Tavia - Groove With Me

ha 3 dias
Groove to the music with newcomer Tavia from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. On set in Los Angeles with the photographer, Cassandra Keyes, Tavia is dressed in her ‘70s best as the music plays. “I’m an upbeat social butterfly that loves meeting and connecting with new people,” says Tavia of her pers onality. “I like to give everyone the chance to express their authentic self around me. I’m also a very caring person, and I love to give and help people.” Tavia works as a model, artist, and entrepreneur, but she’s also skilled with her hands. “I used to have a remodeling company,” she says. “My career is my alter ego. The real me enjoys my peace, camping in the summer in the middle of the woods and working with my hands and building things!” Stay tuned to learn more about Tavia in her next feature, which is coming soon to Playboy Plus!